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Keraflo Ltd
Valve manufacturer, Keraflo has been making Aylesbury™ float valves for water tanks since 1984. Marketed under the trade name of Aylesbury™ valves, all valves are approved by WRAS. The level control valve is designed to replace conventional BS1212 and equilibrium valves, known as ballcocks or globe valves, used by the plumbing industry in water tanks or cisterns. The delayed action results in full on flow when demanded and positive shut-off when desired water level is reached. This is invaluable for pumped systems and water treatment plants, where the quick change of flow from open to closed minimises the time a pump, inefficiently, runs against semi-closed valve head which wastes energy. The unique design and high quality of Keraflo Aylesbury™ valves, manufactured in either brass or stainless steel and incorporating ceramic discs and a puncture proof float, enables them to far outperform conventional ball float valves. If you are a specifier designing the plumbing system or an installer fitting a water storage tank with or without pumps, in homes, commercial, industrial or any other premises please contact us for advice.
Keraflo Ltdare listed in the following categories:


Unit 1 Woodley Park Estate59-69 Reading RoadWoodley,


Telephone: 0118 921 9920
Fax: 0118 921 9921

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