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Health and Safety

 29 Feb 2024

The Critical Importance of Machinery Training: Ensuring Safety and Efficiency in the Workplace

Where workers are making use of heavy machinery, it's imperative that they have the training and skillset necessary to make good use of that machinery. That means being as productive as possible, while still retaining an acceptable level of safety.... 
Charlie Brain - Senior Consultant and Authorising Engineer (Water), Water Hygiene Centre
 25 Jan 2024

Scald risk - TMT, or no TMV, that is the question.

One of the risks associated with water safety that requires our attention is the risk of scalding. That’s the view of Charlie Brain - senior consultant and authorising engineer (water), Water Hygiene Centre... 
Gary Nicholls, managing director of Swiftclean
 11 May 2021

Extract hygiene – a burning issue

The regular cleaning of the canopy, fan and extract ductwork is one of the most critical challenges in keeping a commercial kitchen spotlessly clean. This must be tackled, not only for the sake of hygiene, but also for fire prevention and compliance,... 
Michael Brown, design director of Metal and Modular
 10 Dec 2020

Moving ductwork safely on site

Michael Brown, design director of UK site equipment manufacturer, Metal and Modular, discusses how to make ducting manoeuvres safe and efficient for HVAC installation teams on site... 
Brett Smyth, general manager, Ideal Industries EMEA
 19 Aug 2020

Electrical safety for heating engineers

Brett Smyth, general manager, Ideal Industries EMEA, a specialist in electrical tools, accessories and equipment, discusses the need for electrical skills and safety to be included in mandatory training for heating engineers to ensure safe isolation ... 
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