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All stressed up and nowhere to go

Bad temper is, apparently, costing the British economy a staggering £16bn a year, and each one of us around £420 annually. A while ago the online bank Cahoot ran a survey that suggested that men's rage costs an average of £440 a year, with the wrath of women (scorned or otherwise) costing roughly £400.
One in five of the 700 people questioned in Cahoot's survey admitted being prone to road rage outbursts, while 7 per cent found public transport a trigger for anger.
A recent BBC report claimed that one in 10 people became irate in queues, about the same number who found supermarket trolleys their anger nemesis. But more than half said that being put on hold on the phone was the best way to enrage them.
The problem is so serious there is an entire organisation devoted to calming people down. The British Association of Anger Management (BAAM) claims to be the only UK centre of expertise for all aspects of anger and conflict management. It runs courses and offers counselling via 'a professional body of experts, consultants, counsellors, and trainers in the fields of anger management'.
The onomatopoeic BAAM says: "Anger is a natural human reaction. It is powerful. If not channelled correctly, it is dangerous. It has massive social implications on your family, your career, and ultimately you. Learning to manage anger quickly and effectively will change your life."
So there you have it. It's time to chill out.
Let's face it, life's a bitch and then you die. You might as well make it as bearable as possible in the meantime.
And, at the same time, help plug the gaping hole in the Nation's finances. It's a classic win-win.
Posted by David Dunn 29 October 2010 11:32:01 Categories: General manager


By Ewen Rose
29 October 2010 11:33:01
I think Ian needs to calm down!
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