What was not discussed much at the time was that the Government has to introduce a wider RHI plan to cover all renewable heat technologies in October 2012 thanks to our friends in Europe and the legislation laid down by the EU Parliament.
Currently, the RHI covers biomass boilers. I hate biomass; the idea of going outside and shoveling sawdust into a hopper in the driving rain at 2.30am fills me with dread. If I wanted to be a stoker I'd join a steam train appreciation society.
But the rise of biomass has also had an unseen side effect by impacting on the market for sawdust. Waste products usually find a use; in the case of sawdust, it typically ends up as MDF or chipboard.
The small rise in demand for biomass boilers has caused the cost of sawdust to rise nearly 100 per cent in the last two years. The result is that cheap furniture is beginning to rise in price due to the raw material price hike. So, if more people buy more biomass boilers, soon MDF will be worth more than gold dust. Ikea will become the shop of choice for the wealthy, and MDF and chipboard will replace real wood as the expensive furniture choice.
If this lunacy continues, we will soon have to make do with plastic chairs!