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Conceptualising a new paradigm

Well I've since come across a lot more.
Many senior executives you speak to nowadays seem to be so busy visualising a way to extend the reach of the value chain that it is amazing they have any time left to bulletproof their infrastructure or gain an insight into the segmentation of their go-to-market offering.
One director at a presentation I went to recently announced, with a perfectly straight face: "The incremental skills we put into our organisation will deepen our industry verticals."
Well, quite.
As well as employing unintelligible jargon, many managers also appear to have gone superlative-crazy. Products aren't merely good any more, they're outstanding, exceptional or ground-breaking. That is, of course, assuming the company admits to supplying anything as mundane as a product - manufacturers rarely seem to make them nowadays; instead, they prefer to offer 'end-to-end solutions'.
Jargon has also crept into the way some managers think of their customers. Of course, enlightened companies clearly recognise the importance of customer focus, but since when have customers become 'key consumer commercial assets'? And, it's all very well to delight your customers, but is it really necessary to develop a passion for them? That sort of behaviour can get you arrested.
The truth is that arcane management talk, routinely trotted out by slick company directors with an MBA and a mission to meet their latest set of critical success factors, only serves to obscure the real competitive issues we all face.
Posted by David Dunn 17 January 2011 16:15:29 Categories: General manager


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