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Eager earthling doing his bit for mother earth?

I decided enough was enough and that I should do something about it. Just like everyone else I've cranked up my solar powered laptop and searched the web for a new supplier.

On the internet there are hundreds of comparison sites so I (well Google) chose one at random. Once I have inputted all my figures, I was faced with a plethora of choices which I had to wade through. I was amazed that in some cases I can save almost half the cost, which is nice.

But then comes the strange bit, in some cases if I change suppliers I can also reduce my CO2 output by as much as 150 kgs per year. This is the most bizarre claim I have ever heard. By pressing a button on the computer the electricity that comes into my house will now only come from a new highly efficient wind farm in the North of Scotland, instead of the old power station down the road.

What I want to know is how does the electricity know which house to go to? Does it ever get it wrong? How does the electricity get past the electricity from my local station? What also worries me is who is going to use the “dirty” energy? Is this available more cheaply, because if so I might change again.

So I've decided to switch to a supplier I've never heard of and be considerably richer than I was before.

To celebrate I am going to spend the money on a summer holiday in Italy. I will be flying as I only have a week and I don’t want to waste three days of my holiday in a sweltering train all the way across Europe. This doesn’t worry me because my new efficient energy is greener so I'm in credit with the CO2 people! Join me and save the planet. Switch suppliers today.
Posted by Graham Hendra 04 June 2008 10:48:39 Categories: Graham's Gossip


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