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Elta expands air handling unit options with new Euroclima partnership

Elta is increasing its capacity to provide more bespoke air handling solutions than ever before.

Ventilation professionals can now choose from an expansive range of design options for air handling units. The new additions sit alongside Elta’s existing air design units thanks to a new partnership between Elta and Euroclima, a leading manufacturer of Eurovent Certified air handling units.

Air handling units play a crucial role in modern commercial buildings as noted in several building regulations. Ventilation consultants can work with Elta to ensure clean, energy-efficient air processing essential for the comfort and safety of building occupants.

The business partnership is particularly significant as it coincides with Elta's 50th anniversary, highlighting a shared ongoing commitment to the 'Air Quality, Air Movement' and 'We care for better air' values between the two companies.

David Millward, group product manager at Elta Group, said: “We’re predicting a huge demand for air handling units as there is an increasing need for better air quality and energy efficiency. It’s no longer a viable option to simply move air around buildings, so working with Euroclima means that both entities are ideally poised to support ventilation professionals with the evolution of air quality.”

Josef Prünster, area sales manager at Euroclima, added: 'We are excited about this collaboration with Elta Group which aligns perfectly with our mission to deliver superior air handling units that exceed industry standards. Together, we look forward to setting new benchmarks in air quality and energy efficiency across the region.'


18 July 2024


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