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Global Warming?

According to the news this morning, it hasn’t snowed in October in London since the 1930s and the last time it snowed in October in the south of England was October 7, 1974.

After the wettest summer since 1991, I'm beginning to ask whether global warming is going to be good for our industry.

Is this really what we expected global warming to be?

Not long ago, people were claiming that we would be growing champagne grapes in the south in a few years time. I'm not convinced.

It looks like it's going to be wet and cold from now on.

The crazy thing about this change of climate is that we are now running the heating systems at home flat out in October, releasing even more carbon.

No one wants to take the bus as that would entail standing in the bus shelter in horizontal sleet. The roads are chocker block. The motorway system can’t cope, especially when lorries full of lard jack knife on the M40, due to bad weather.

If this continues ac companies will have to branch out into umbrellas and heating systems...oh what’s that?

Sorry, they all ready are. We are next. Watch this space. Heat pump boilers are the next big thing for our market.

This is a real challenge for an industry based on cooling. Maybe we will all end up as plumbers after all.
Posted by Graham Hendra 30 October 2008 12:04:31 Categories: Graham's Gossip


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