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Heating pumps

Today I went to the website to check out if I knew anyone else who was going so I searched for Heat pumps.

It appears there are no heat pump suppliers going at all BUT there are suppliers of heating pumps.

I’m devastated, I’ve just started out selling heat pumps and it appears I’m already out of date. Think about it, a pump which heats, amazing; will I get RHI on them?

Imagine the scenario I turn up trying to sell you a machine which can pump heat from one place to the other and these guys are selling pumps which heat. I haven’t got a chance. Just to cap it all, one exhibitor is even selling heating, heating pumps. These must be better, I will go along and find out how good they are and let you know.

Just to make sure I'm up with this new technology, next week we start selling the new heating heating heating pumps.

The only drawback with these is I have to get a new sign made up saying Freedom heating heating heating pumps and I'm not sure it will fit above the door.
Posted by Graham Hendra 23 August 2010 10:24:15 Categories: Graham's Gossip


23 August 2010 10:28:15
Different people all over the world receive the business loans from different banks, because that's simple and comfortable.
By Craig Baker
23 August 2010 10:27:15
Heat pumps work very well in Austria, we have a unit in Austria that is now 21 years old, and is still going strong. The householder has rung us to say he wants a new one, even though it has never given him any trouble, he thinks it is time to change it !!
Good luck with the install, and enjoy that Tyrolean air.
23 August 2010 10:26:15
Do not use a lot of cash to buy a building? Worry no more, because this is possible to get the loan to resolve such kind of problems. Thence take a secured loan to buy all you need.
By bernadette page
23 August 2010 10:25:15
Hey, we are building a house here in the Tyrolean mountains in Austria.
We have gone for the air source heat pump option. The house will be mega insulated, and after the first year, electricity, which our supplier/installer tells us will be high due to cold and moisture in the fabric of the house, we expect our costs to be very reasonable.
All the old locals here think we are mad.......but then ten years ago solar and pv panels were considered potty. Now All new build has them, and many older buildings fir them too!!
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