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HumEvap MC3 evaporative humidifier from JS Humidifiers

Added: 22 July 2010

The system consists of a control panel and a continually moistened evaporative matrix located inside a duct. As air flows through the matrix it picks up the moisture, is humidified and also cooled.

As there is no need to boil the water, energy costs are 150 times less than steam humidification and can lead to a dramatic reduction in a building's carbon footprint.

The extent of the evaporative cooling the system provides depends on the temperature of the in-coming fresh air but can be a reduction of around 12°C.

The HumEvap is ideal for use in free-air cooling systems, like those used in data centres. It provides low energy cooling at those times of year when the outside air is too warm to cool an internal atmosphere.

The HumEvap matrix is easy to install as it is modular with push-fit connections for water and drain, and a pre-wired 12-core cable for the control panel.

The system requires very little maintenance and incorporates self-regulating dosing systems and flush cycles that make it the most hygienic evaporative humidifier of its kind. As there are no aerosols, it is an intrinsically safe form of humidity control.

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