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I predict a summer but maybe not the one we want

Every year around this time some idiot from the Met office comes out with a prediction and every year they are wrong.

These people can't predict the weather tomorrow let alone for two months ahead. Why on earth do we listen to this drivel?

For the last three years I've heard this rubbish and as far as I remember the weather is always the same. Quite nice in April and May then rubbish until September.

So why the rant, you ask?

I have heard about manufacturers taking heed of such weather preditions to the extent that staff are instructed to buy tons of air conditioning equipment to cope with the inevitable summer rush.

As soon as the stock arrived, staff would be reminded about stock levels and the perils of long-term stock.

The result of such a response soon became painfully clear. By August, accountants would be apoplectic, as no one had bought any of the units due to the terrible weather.

One year, I recall it rained every single day in August and no one predicted that.

So please take note, it's probably not going to be a really hot summer. It never is. We live 50 degrees north of the equator. What do you expect?

Don’t come back with some nonsense about global warming. If you hadn't noticed, global warming is a thing of the past. Its climate change now. You try telling people the climate is warming up after the winter we just had.
Posted by Graham Hendra 26 May 2010 16:56:13 Categories: Graham's Gossip


By Graham Hendra
26 May 2010 16:57:13
im sorry everyone, i was wrong. Its been boiling. Great timing as i make my big entrance into the world of Heating.
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