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It's not the time to cut back on training

Companies that cut back on training in the current economic climate are making a big mistake!

Now is the time for both design and installation companies to be looking to diversify, taking advantage of this new and adaptive market.

We are at a defining moment as it's still early enough to establish a place in this market which will start to take off in the next few years.

Nonetheless, there are already signs it is picking up as the Feed-in Tariffs are established and there is still the likely prospect of the Renewable Heat Incentive which is due next April.

It is important that established businesses position themselves effectively in the fast moving market.

It's clear that new entrants, including green entrepreneurs, are moving in and setting up as renewable energy installers; more are signing up to the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS).

However, there are worrying developments with some elements employing high pressure sales tactics akin to the double glazing industry experience during the 1970/80s when extravagant claims about payback and performance were made, impacting negatively on the reputation of double glazing for years thereafter.

That is why this trend must not go unchecked; if it does, it will undoubtedly have a very harmful impact on the renewables industry in the future.

Although it is far from perfect, schemes like the MCS are important. Changes to the Building Regulations make it a legal requirement that contractors responsible for installing controlled services (which covers virtually all mechanical services) should certify compliance with the local authority building control department.

The easiest route to achieve this is for mechanical services contractors to self certify their work through BESCA, the Building Engineering Services Competence Accreditation Scheme run by the HVCA (, which enables the whole process to be archived in as little as three minutes on-line.

Training to become an accredited certifier to comply with this government licensed scheme is provided through the HVCA

This training also adds value by increasing the understanding of the new parts of the Building Regulations applicable to mechanical services contractors. However, it also outlines useful and practical ways effectively to market this service to clients and gain a share by diversifying in the burgeoning m&e low carbon sustainability market.

Some contracting companies have already been proactive in this area and have used the opportunity to train all their field engineers.

This training has allowed them to obtain the appropriate certification and also provided opportunity to make their staff fully aware of the significant opportunities in the renewable and energy saving markets, even during these difficult economic times.

It really is time to take another look at your building regulations and sustainability training in order to keep ahead of the game in an increasingly tough and hard fought over market.

Posted by Mike Malina 09 September 2010 11:02:31 Categories: Malina mulls it over


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