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Keeping a weather eye out

I found myself in Aberdeen in December looking at an air source heat pump in a blizzard. I escaped from Aberdeen three hours before the airport was shut. The day after I left, the temperature plummeted to -12 deg C for two days and, yes, the heat pump coped perfectly because it was sized and specced with this weather in mind.
This weather has caused the gutter press to panic with idiots claiming we are entering an Ice Age, global warming is a myth, etc. Apparently, the Daily Mail contains lots of comment on the weather. I haven't actually seen this as I have never knowingly touched a copy of the Mail; I don't want its evilness rubbing off on me.
The whole point about global warming is that it is global; you can't measure the temperature in your garden and use this as evidence that the planet is warming or cooling or doing anything else. Apparently, 2010 was the warmest year for eons, but December was the coldest for 30 years. If anyone can remember May and June, it was roasting and never rained; I know I was out in the garden on garden leave, it was lovely.
January 2011 has been interesting. The weather for the last week has been +10 deg C in the south; this is uncharacteristically warm for the time of year. I think the weather is unpredictable as ever and haven't yet decided whether global warming or cooling is happening or not.
All I do know is that the cold weather focused a lot of minds on the cost of heating causing an increase in the number of people wanting to know about heat pumps. Added to this, the price of heating oil is 70p a litre and higher, meaning an oil boiler can cost more than twice as much to run as a heat pump.
Glory days... long may the weather remain unpredictable.
Posted by Graham Hendra 17 January 2011 09:26:20 Categories: Graham's Gossip


By Ossie Wardell-Yerburgh
17 January 2011 09:30:20
I have been running air source heat pumps for my big leaky Tudor house for six years, including a heated pool and monitored usage. At 3.3kW for the unit and a bit for cooking and lighting max 4kW per hour at day rate and night off peak you cannot spend more than £10 a day. Where do these scare figures of £20 a day for a semi come from?
By Neil Birnie
17 January 2011 09:29:20
I have had a heat pump installed and working for the last 3 years and have it correctly set-up (I am a professional installer of ASHP) and I reduced my bills from £1400 for LPG to £690 for my entire electricity including running the heat pump. A correctly installed and set-up heat pump will save you money.
By Ian Gray
17 January 2011 09:28:20
We have just had our heating bill and had to reduce our direct debit because we are paying too much. We have a heat pump ac installed brilliant.
By R. Batlett
17 January 2011 09:27:20
A lot of people are complaining how much their heat pumps have cost to run during the cold weather
The forums are awash with disgruntled owners spending 20 quid a day to heat a three-bed semi.
The Government's own figures state a new gas boiler c/w solar is by far the cheapest way to heat a home. Heat pumps are working out nearly double.
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