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King's Speech announcements welcomed

The industry has broadly welcomed announcements in the the King’s Speech, particularly the Labour government’s commitment to Net Zero and growth.

Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA) chief executive, Mike Foster said: “There were no major surprises contained in the King’s Speech, which is a good thing and in keeping with the stability promised by the new government. The Great British Energy Bill is therefore no surprise, having been central to the mandate the government received from the British people.”

“We welcome the serious intent of the government’s mission to decarbonise the power sector, as part of the journey to Net Zero. Without zero carbon electricity we will not hit our 2050 target. Equally, we also need to decarbonise our gas networks, to make sure that industry, commerce and yes, households can also decarbonise.”

“The Great British Energy Bill, supporting investment in the sector, will help fast-track technologies such as carbon capture and storage, helping energy intensive industries stay in the UK. The ramping up of investment in renewables also promises to help deliver hydrogen to those key industrial clusters that rely on gas but need to be carbon free. Without them having access to hydrogen, we miss our net zero target, or they move abroad. Offshoring our industry is not the outcome the government will want to see. Decarbonisation should not mean deindustrialisation.”

“Generating our own energy, in our own backyard, will help us be more energy secure and hedge us against external energy cost shocks, the type we have experienced recently. With massive increases in wind and solar power generation coming our way, as a result of the Great British Energy Bill, paying generators not to provide power – so-called ‘constraint costs’ will not be acceptable. Using surplus renewable power to produce cheap green hydrogen will be the win-win consumers need – lower bills, lower carbon and lower dependency on imports.”

“This Bill promises to be the first step in changing our energy landscape and reducing our carbon footprint. Tackling home insulation and energy efficiency also needs to be done at scale. The heating industry looks forward to working with the new ministerial team to deliver for the UK.”

Steve McGregor, Group MD for the DMA Group said: “As a company focussed on supporting buildings in their low carbon and energy efficient transitions, I am pleased to see Labour’s clear commitment to Net Zero and focus on growth in the construction sector. Training and apprenticeships are areas DMA is a champion of, and I look forward to seeing what Skills England and renewed apprenticeship levy look like.

“Going forward, I would like to see greater incentives and reduction of red tape for SMEs, which account for half of the turnover in the private sector. Hopefully, Sir Keir’s description of ‘taking the breaks off Britain’ will include this kind of reform.”

Paul Smith – MD, NIBE, said: “Following the King’s Speech, which sets out clear targets for housebuilding, green energy and the devolution of power to local communities, the future as I see it, looks bright for the heat pump sector. A refocussing on net zero and stimulated construction market will lead to much needed affordable, energy efficient housing, providing a boost for the installer base.

“Keir Starmer has described ‘taking the breaks of Britain’, through relaxed planning rules, improved infrastructure and a general commitment to promote growth. The next 12 months are crucial, we watch with interest at NIBE and are ready to support installers, consumers, housebuilders and communities in taking advantage of new policies that create a clear and uninterrupted path to a low carbon and prosperous UK.”

Tim Mitchell – sales director, Klima-Therm, said: “I am pleased to see a renewed focus on Net Zero, with policies that will stimulate growth for the construction sector and low carbon arm of building services in particular. Removing the barriers that have held back the UK’s renewable energy ambitions, such as relaxing planning around wind farms, will hopefully provide confidence in the government’s commitment to a fossil-free future.

“’Green’ is good for the economy, good for business and good for communities and individuals, and it’s about time we firmly stuck to this side of the coin. I hope that Labour learns from the mistakes of our previous government and avoids backtracking on its position.”

Griff Thomas – MD for GTEC & Heatly, part of the United Living Group, said: 'I am pleased to see a renewed commitment to some of the green policies that were abandoned under the previous government in the King's Speech. Investment in skills and tech is crucial for every sector and is something that I am involved with in the development of Heatly, an app that will accelerate heat pump deployment and deliver critical support to installers. Moving forward, I would like to see a commitment to up-skilling the workforce to prevent further delays to the heat pump roll out.

'Keir Starmer has said this government will be 'builders, not blockers' and Labour's ambitious commitment to high-quality housebuilding will create opportunities for heating, renewable and retrofit installers. What we need now is consistency – it's the only approach that will lead to meaningful progress and build confidence in renewable technologies amongst installers and end users.'

18 July 2024


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