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Latest Features

Heating up the commercial market

Over the past five years or so, underfloor heating has increased in popularity within the domestic market and is now becoming recognised as a superior heat emitter for commercial properties too. However, in order to maximise the potential of a commercial underfloor heating system, there are a few common pitfalls that need to be avoided. Neil Young explains more 
 8 Jul 2013

Wet or electric, the choice is yours

Steven Rooney explains why underfloor heating is more versatile than people might think 
 8 Jul 2013

Cassette solutions for commercial application

When specifying underfloor heating in commercial projects it is important to use a specialist design-and-supply company with sufficient expertise in commercial applications, that can offer dedicated floor cassette solutions. Gareth Yoxall explains. 
 8 Jul 2013

Concrete provides sound solutions

Mike Lamb looks at precast panels and their application in underfloor heating 
 8 Jul 2013

Time for some forward thinking

Stephen Payne looks at future-proofing integrated control systems 
 8 Jul 2013

The carbon/clean balancing act

Jermaine Calver discusses how to achieve air quality without costing the earth and explains how Eurovent certification can help. 
 8 Jul 2013

Standards support health and hygiene in filters

Craig Chapman explores the impact of the new EN779:2012 standards and Eurovent 4/11 passive energy ratings on filter products 
 8 Jul 2013

Maintaining equipment with air intake filters

Prevention is better than cure, or in industrial maintenance terms, condition monitoring is more effective than failure maintenance. RAB Specialist Engineers has over 30 years' experience in the air-handling industry, and Richard Betts offers some practical advice on how to maintain costly HVAC equipment while reducing expensive maintenance schedules, simply by fitting air intake filter screens 
 8 Jul 2013

Driving efficiency: evolution of the fan coil

Statistics from BSRIA show that the fan coil is still the most popular type of air conditioning terminal unit - but how has a product that has been around since the 1970s withstood competition from more modern products? Andrew Saxon tells us more 
 8 Jul 2013

Maintenance-led fan coil upgrades

Improving energy efficiency doesn't need to be painful if it's done incrementally, says Helen McHugh

 8 Jul 2013

It's time to choose to do the right thing

Kevin Munson, managing director of Ruskin Air Management, is continually disappointed with people who choose to do something badly because they think they will save money 
 24 Jun 2013

Take total control to tackle fuel poverty effectively

As social housing makes increasing use of CHP and district heating to address rising energy costs and associated fuel poverty, it's important to take effective control at all levels. Beata Blachut and Silas Flytkjaer explain 
 24 Jun 2013

Wake up to solar overheating threat

Dealing with overheating issues will become increasingly urgent as the solar heating market grows this year, says Steve Addis 
 24 Jun 2013

District heating - the pathway to local efficiency

District heating schemes were once a popular choice for local authorities looking to meet the heating and hot water requirements of large scale housing developments and high rise apartment blocks from the 1950s through to the 1970s. Now, they appear to be making a comeback. Geoff Hobbs explains the role of modern-day centralised energy centres 
 24 Jun 2013

Community heating - the future is already here

The future of residential controls in commercial buildings is very exciting and has great potential for growth in the building controls industry, according to Ash Goyal 
 24 Jun 2013

A cast iron case for more traditional boilers

Cast iron boilers shouldn't be overlooked when considering replacing or upgrading commercial and industrial heating and hot water systems, says Pete Mills 
 24 Jun 2013

Crystal ball gazing - the future of AC kit explored

The AC industry will need to respond quickly to maximise business opportunities and ensure we deliver on the demands from our customers to meet the ever changing improvements in building designs, says Graham Wright  
 24 Jun 2013

Refrigerants debate hots up

Recent activity suggests that air conditioning may have a flammable future. Neil Everitt investigates 
 24 Jun 2013

The cold facts about refrigerants in chillers

The refrigerant used in any particular chiller application must be the subject of careful consideration because there is no silver bullet. The decision on which direction to take will depend on a range of criteria and the relative weighting given to each by those making the assessment. One size does not fit all, says David Blackhurst
 24 Jun 2013

Why HFO refrigerants are the future for chillers

Based on the evidence he has seen to date, Ken Strong believes that HFOs will become the new mainstream refrigerants of choice for chillers in the next few years 
 24 Jun 2013
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