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PICC valves - don't shoot the messenger

The quicker the industry accepts the shortcomings of the past and embraces new technologies like PICC valves, the quicker our buildings will reach their full potential and deliver what is promised, says Peter Lowther 
 12 Feb 2013

When it comes to fan coils, EC does it

The ubiquitous fan coil has received a tremendous boost from the development of EC motors and clever concepts such as pressure independence. Andrew Sargent explains some key features of this new breed of fan coil systems and how flexible they have become. 
 12 Feb 2013

Construct the cleaning routine of the future

It is essential to look ahead to how ductwork will be cleaned and maintained when designing and installing each system. Gary Nicholls explains why. 
 12 Feb 2013

Fire safety - the new business opportunity

Dirty ductwork presents a serious fire hazard. But this offers a business opportunity to contractors to educate building maintenance people on their obligations, says Darren Ling 
 12 Feb 2013

Where now for the RHI?

The commercial phase of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) has been open to applicants for over a year, with reported levels of take up indicating a lukewarm reception at best. Jeff House considers issues that may be hampering the success of the scheme. 
 12 Feb 2013

See the bigger picture for climate control

It can be challenging to meet the climate control needs of multi-tenanted buildings or large communal facilities with diverse uses while also ensuring comfort, energy efficiency and lower carbon emissions. Martin Passingham looks at how technological advances have revolutionised VRV capabilities. 
 12 Feb 2013

Full steam ahead for gas

With rolling blackouts predicted for UK cities in just two years time, we are running out of energy options fast, says Lochinvar managing director David Pepper 
 3 Jan 2013

It pays to control your training environment

Training has a critical role to play in enlightened building services companies, says Tim Scarlett
 3 Jan 2013

Signposts along the road to sustainability

There are plenty of opportunities to encourage businesses to take action and reduce their energy consumption and therefore increase their sustainability by investing in energy efficient HVAC&R solutions, according to Des Franklin 
 3 Jan 2013

Warning over scope of the new fan regulations

When it comes to the formulation of fan regulations, burying our heads in the sand is simply not an option, says Geoff Lockwood 
 3 Jan 2013

Building maintenance just got simpler...

M&E contractors are being challenged more than ever by the need to cut costs and the building and engineering services sector is under increasing pressure to create optimum maintenance regimes that prevent the under or over-maintaining of assets. Andrew Green explains how the development of the SFG20 technical standards web service supports the need for change 
 3 Jan 2013

Temperature control by humidification

Humidity control can control more than just humidity, says John Barker 
 3 Jan 2013

Distance learning...

Specifying the correct absorption distance for a humidifier is essential if wet and dripping ductwork is to be avoided as Andie Chessun explains 
 3 Jan 2013

Cutting the cost of humidification

There are several options for reducing humidifier operating costs while maintaining control. David Marshall-George explains 
 3 Jan 2013

What drives choice over pipe materials?

Cost still reigns supreme as the main determining factor in the specification of piping systems. However, it isn't just the cost of the material itself, but the cost of the overall installation that needs to be calculated. Chris Ricketts explains how value engineering is shaping trends in piping sales and how money is being saved onsite 
 3 Jan 2013

Maintaining healthy pipes

Preventing Legionella infections in building services systems - including pipework systems - is a top health and safety priority. Des Dolan discusses how 
 3 Jan 2013

Make sure you perform a delicate balancing act

Effective circuit balancing is a key to improving HVAC system operation and control and maximising efficiencies, according to David L. Hudson
 3 Jan 2013

Whose job is it to be efficient?

With such a great emphasis on energy efficiency in the industry today, change has become inevitable. Changes are being seen in the way products are being made, how they work, the results they produce and how they are managed. Does this mean that what we once all knew and felt comfortable with now can't work anymore as it isn't sustainable enough? And, if so, how are users going to keep up with all these rapid changes? Martin Lowe discusses 
 3 Jan 2013

Wireless sensors offer sustainable control

Innovation in wireless sensor technology boosts sustainability, helps create a more efficient control system and saves installation time and cost, says Alan Braybrook 
 3 Jan 2013

Going underground makes perfect sense

Building services are the single most adapted elements of a building during its lifetime. Glan Blake-Thomas explains how underfloor air conditioning helps solve spatial, comfort and energy efficiency issues in renovating existing commercial buildings 
 10 Dec 2012
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