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Gas absorption technology helps meet energy targets

With interest in gas absorption heat pump technology continuing to grow, Stefan Gautsch outlines typical applications for the technology 
 7 Oct 2012

For top notch performance, size really does matter

When it comes to heat pumps, size - or rather, sizing - matters. If the industry is to develop and grow to its full potential, this vital consideration must be addressed, says Maurice Diamond
 7 Oct 2012

Opportunity knocks as heat pumps gain ground

As the heat pump market picks up momentum, it is critical that industry standards are not overlooked, warns Adam Pearson
 7 Oct 2012

Why building controls should matter to you

Contractors should consider advising on controls as an increasingly important part of their role in increasing the energy efficiency of buildings. Ian Ellis explains why 
 7 Oct 2012

LPG's winning ways...

Recent studies have, according to Calor, highlighted the positive impact liquid petroleum gas can have when replacing oil as a commercial heating fuel in rural areas 
 7 Oct 2012

A climate of change...

Most people agree that climate change is an urgent problem that needs tackling immediately. But we need to embark on a financially sustainable low energy path. The question is, how? 
 7 Oct 2012

Setting the limits for water heaters

It's important to understand the potential impact of the Ecodesign of Energy Related Products Directive on specification of water heaters - and the timelines involved, says Jeff House 
 1 Oct 2012

Pearls of wisdom...

JS Humidifiers is celebrating its Pearl Anniversary. Operations director Rik Prowen tells Ian Vallely how 30 years in business has taught the company what it needs to do in order to operate efficently and effectively in a ferociously competitive HVAC sector 
 1 Oct 2012

It's all a question of balance

The recession has prompted building owners to look for more ways to cut their running costs including greater use of natural ventilation, but could indoor air quality be compromised? asks David Fitzpatrick 
 1 Oct 2012

Ducting and weaving: New standard ends confusion

A new ductwork standard is set to put a stop to confusion and reveal new opportunities for contractors, according to Andrew Steel 
 1 Oct 2012

Demand grows for high efficiency HVAC kit

Suppliers that can provide a financing solution alongside their products will find themselves in a more competitive position because of customers' increasing expectation of a complete turnkey solution, according to Myles McCarthy  
 10 Sep 2012

The best Olympic legacy would be better projects

Building engineering firms could be the real winners from London 2012, says Paul Hardy 
 10 Sep 2012

Navigating choppy waters demands clear R&D focus

Examining the market trends that impact building services contractors and consultants is BSRIA's stock in trade. Hardly surprising, therefore, that chief executive Andrew Eastwell has powerfully-held and well-informed views about the industry's future. He shared some of them with Ian Vallely 
 10 Sep 2012

'Business as usual' is no longer a workable option

Nobody is immune from the effects of a grinding recession that started in 2008 and shows little sign of relenting. So what is the HVAC sector's reaction to this depressing state of affairs? Some companies take a cautious, not to say, negative line while others act positively. As Ian Vallely reports, ventilation equipment supplier VES favours the second approach 
 10 Sep 2012

A modular approach to commissioning

There are significant benefits to be gained from incorporating commissioning modules into a fan coil system. Lars Fabricius explains how to exploit them 
 10 Sep 2012

Where do fan coils go from here... again!

Change is happening faster in the fan coil sector now than ever before, according to Peter Lowther. Here, he outlines the main developments and their impact on the sector 
 10 Sep 2012

A modular approach to CHP provision

In achieving maximum performance from a CHP installation it can pay to use a highly responsive modular approach that also takes advantage of the latest technologies. Beata Blachut explains 
 10 Sep 2012

Getting the most from CHP

The environmental and cost benefits derived from combined heat and power (CHP) are dependent on operation and maintenance contracts going beyond just ensuring reliability, suggests Colin Porter 
 10 Sep 2012

The RHI omission 'is distorting the market'

The Government must move quickly to put right the serious market distortion caused by leaving air source heat pumps out of the Renewable Heat Incentive, says Scott Gleed 
 10 Sep 2012

Get your customers ready for winter

We need to take every opportunity to remind customers and potential customers that air conditioning is not just for hot weather but for all year round, warns Martyn Ives 
 10 Sep 2012
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