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MMotors JSC

Added: 20 September 2010

The Trickle Impregnation Technology used in manufacturing the electric motor of the MMotors fan, makes it dust proof, moisture proof and heat resistant.The standard 200C (please read C and celsius) resistant fan blade directly bond to the rotor gives extra solidity and fire safety.The double capsulated ball bearings by NSK Japan guarantee years of continuous and smooth operation.

Choosing the 4 inch Plus series or LUX series fans with the powerful 105 and 110 m3h (cubic meter per hour) extraction rate means that your fan will work harder and will do a better job in eliminating moisture and smells.With a standard manufacturer's guarantee of 5 years, it is the choice that will provide you with efficiency and reliability. The MMS fan is specially designed for saunas and steam rooms.

With its heat resistant electric motor housed in high temperature engineering material and fitted with heat resistant double capsulated ball bearings, the MMS series fans are the perfect solution for ventilating sauna and steam rooms.

With the best known technology of manufacturing electric motors, and the best used materials, the MMotors domestic fans are on the front line of the most durable and reliable domestic fans on the market.

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