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Observations of a traveling man - the world is doomed

When it comes to being a green nation, too, Kenya is not doing badly. It currently rates as the 94th worst offender worldwide with 0.04% of global CO2 emissions. Being on the equator obviously helps as heating is never required; in summer its 31C in winter 30C all day every day. The sea is a steady 30C and the swimming pools are all at 30C as well.
I didn't take any brochures for heat pumps with me.
The Kenyans' attitude to recycling puts us westerners to shame; everything is used again and again and sold over and over instead of being slung away. Even the rubbish is sorted into piles for recycling. People travel around in buses bursting at the seams and three people on a single motorbike is the norm.
In most cases, the Kenyan approach is to be efficient.
The exception is when it comes to energy. What I found surprising for such an impoverished country was that the Kenyans like to waste as much energy as possible. It appears they have the same bling aspirations as us; at night it is de rigueur to have all the lights on, all night just because you can. If you have air conditioning, you have to have it set so cold that condensation runs down the outside of the windows. And, finally, if you have a diesel truck, you have to run it with worn injectors to maximise the smoke you can pour out the back.
It appears that where energy is available, we human beings can't help ourselves - we just love to waste it.
If anyone has a solution, I would love to know what it is.
Posted by Graham Hendra 12 April 2011 12:38:01 Categories: Graham's Gossip


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