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Setting the standard for success

OK, so some are arguably urban myths, but many of these examples - eccentric creations of the European Commission - are classic illustrations of Brussels bureaucracy gone mad.
They do, however, contain an important lesson for the UK hvac industry - namely, the compelling business case for greater standardisation, and nowhere more than in the back office.
On average, it costs a staggering £75 to raise a single invoice. This is a shocking waste of money - the Government estimates that the cost of processing business transactions should be closer to £5.
For some, standardisation equates to boring. They see any form of harmonisation as a constraint on creativity. In the case of order processing, however, they are wrong. Doing away with duplication can slash your costs, boost your productivity, and turbo-charge your speed of response. The inevitable results will be bigger profits, and a healthier industry.
The same standardisation principles, of course, apply to the construction process itself. Why do we insist on reinventing the wheel for every project we start?
Surely, there is a case for applying the same successfully employed design and construction criteria to projects that are similar?
Posted by David Dunn 10 January 2011 11:21:55 Categories: General manager


By Terry Farthing
10 January 2011 11:22:55
Whilst I agree with the need to have a level of standard solutions, this can often create non-descript, boring buildings much in evidence in many European cities including the UK. British architects are renowned worldwide for their innovative and artistic approach to the design of landmark buildings. These often require innovative services solutions which is where UK designers and manufacturers excel. A standard solution is also no longer possible if carbon emissions are to be progressively reduced. We should always look to use tried and tested solutions providing the brief allows this but we should be wary that we are not stifling progressive developments which is one of the UK markets strengths
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