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Three new Master Plumbers

Three more members of the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) have become Master Plumber Certificate holders this year.

Keith Robert Walklate with the Master of the Worshipful Company of Plumbers (WCP), Dr Peter Rumley, Andrew John Mensley and James GS Hendry

Pre-coronavirus lockdown on Monday March 2, 2020, Keith Robert Walklate EngTech MCIPHE RP, Andrew John Mensley EngTech MCIPHE RP and James GS Hendry EngTech FCIPHE RP were awarded their Certificates by the Livery Companies Skill Council (LCSC), at a ceremony held at Mansion House in London.

Certificates on the day were awarded by The Rt. Hon The Lord Mayor, Alderman William Russell, with the customary handshake replaced by touching elbows.

The Master Plumber Certificate is attained by the highest skilled members of the plumbing and heating industry. First introduced in 2001 through a partnership between City & Guilds, the Worshipful Company of Plumbers and the CIPHE, the scheme has grown to include a wide range of London livery companies and professional bodies. This year’s event was coordinated by the LCSC and saw Apprentice, Journeyman and Master Awards presented to over 50 representatives of a wide range of trades.

The ceremony itself recalls the full history of the trades and recognises each recipient for their craft, by which they must accept a ‘Charge’. The charge accepted by Keith, Andrew and James, was read out on the day by Dr Peter Rumley, the Master of the Worshipful Company of Plumbers.

Tim Sainty, membership director CIPHE said:“It’s always a real pleasure to see our members achieve Master Plumber status and be recognised as elite representatives of the trade. Keith, Andrew and James have worked incredibly hard throughout their careers and are the embodiment of what it means to be a Master Plumber. They not only possess the knowledge and skill demanded at that level, but are dedicated to the industry, lifelong learning and nurturing the next generation of engineers.”




14 May 2020


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