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Tory energy minister won't commit to RHI

Non committal seems to be order of the day unless you want to lag your loft

Angus MacNeil (SNP) who appears a big fan of heat pumps, noted the previous government gave assistance for the installation of heat pumps. He asked the minister: will this government continue in that vein?

The minister Gregory Barker said he was very keen on heat pumps but he is currently concerned primarily with energy efficiency.

Next, Mary Creagh (Labour) noted the new government have not yet stated publicly whether they intend to proceed with the renewable heat obligation (RHI to you and me).

She asked: Can the Minister tell us when he will respond to the recent consultation, and thereby give firms and consumers who may be planning to invest, some sort of comfort that that support will go ahead?

Again Barker failed to answer.

He said: "Renewable heat is a renewable form of generation; it is not equivalent to energy efficiency".

"However, we are committed to an ambitious renewable heat agenda. We have a challenging renewable energy target and renewable heat will be a key part of that.

"We will be looking at how to move forward and at having the right incentives in place. We will be making an announcement on this as soon as possible.

So yet again nothing.

The RHI is due to start in 273 days, don't hold your breath.
Posted by Graham Hendra 02 July 2010 15:08:16 Categories: Graham's Gossip


By Stuart Howarth
02 July 2010 15:12:16
Mr Barker seems to be a little confused, If his main concern is energy efficiency then an incentive for heat pumps should be at the very top of his agenda. A heat pump doesn't generate any energy itself, it simply uses the energy it consumes in a very efficient way.
By Ray York
02 July 2010 15:11:16
To whom it may concern:

The uncertainty about the proposed Renewable Heat Incentive, due in April 2011, is causing great concern not only in the renewable energy industry but in many other industry sectors as well. The cancellation of the Low Carbon Building Project has sent jitters throughout the construction industry which in turn has caused a knock on affect, leaving many SME s having to lay off key staff.

A definitive statement needs to be forth coming from the government , all the dithering and ambiguity has resulted in thousands of cancelled contracts and a lot of small businesses going to the wall.

Being the owner of a renewable energy installation business I am directly affected by any decisions taken by the government. This period of inaction by the powers that be is damaging and destructive to recovery of the British economy.

Could you provide me with some answers please

Best Regards

Mr. Ray York
Lloyds Renewable Heating Solutions Ltd


By Ray York
02 July 2010 15:10:16
To whom it may concern:

The uncertainty about the proposed Renewable Heat Incentive, due in April 2011, is causing great concern not only in the renewable energy industry but in many other industry sectors as well. The cancellation of the Low Carbon Building Project has sent jitters throughout the construction industry which in turn has caused a knock on affect, leaving many SME s having to lay off key staff.

A definitive statement needs to be forth coming from the government , all the dithering and ambiguity has resulted in thousands of cancelled contracts and a lot of small businesses going to the wall.

Being the owner of a renewable energy installation business I am directly affected by any decisions taken by the government. This period of inaction by the powers that be is damaging and destructive to recovery of the British economy.

Could you provide me with some answers please

Best Regards

Mr. Ray York
Lloyds Renewable Heating Solutions Ltd

By John
02 July 2010 15:09:16
Politics and blogs are full of renewable hot air, not always beneficial to the reader.
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