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Blygold-specialised coatings fight corrosion in HVAC heat exchangers

Added: 19 November 2010

Corrosion will continue until the performance of the heat exchanger fails to meet the stated requirements. The overall result of corrosion is the eventual decrease in capacity and consequent increase in energy consumption.

Sealing heat exchanger surfaces from the environment will either delay corrosive processes or prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Blygold-specialised coatings are designed for HVAC heat exchangers (heat pumps, Air Handling Units, roof top chillers etc) to prevent corrosion and to reduce unnecessary capacity loss. The coatings in effect double the life of the coil blocks and can reduce the energy costs by as much as 25%.

Blygold are world leaders in the field of Anti-Corrosion and Anti Bacterial coatings for HVAC Equipment.

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