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Westmid Fans
Ventilation and environmental equipment stockists based in West Midlands with over 40 years of experience and expertise. Whether the requirements are for industrial, commercial or domestic applications - we can help! We supply all the major brands, including S&P, Vent-Axia, Elta Helios, Flaktwoods & Roof units. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or take a look at our website
Westmid Fansare listed in the following categories:
Air curtains
Air handling units
Controls > Controls: air conditioning and ventilation
Controls > Controls: heating
Controls > Controls: speed
Dampers > Damper actuators
Dampers > Dampers
Ductwork > Ductwork: circular
Ductwork > Ductwork: fabric
Ductwork > Ductwork: flexible
Ductwork > Ductwork: rectangular fabricated sheet metal
Ductwork > Ductwork: fittings and accessories
Electric motors
Electric motors > Electric motors
Fans > Fans: axial
Fans > Fans: bifurcated
Fans > Fans: centrifugal
Fans > Fans: domestic, kitchen/bathroom ventilation
Fans > Fans: flue/hot gas
Fans > Fans: fume extraction
Fans > Fans: mixed flow
Fans > Fans: smoke extraction
Fans > Fans: tangential
Filters > Filters: air
Heaters & Heating Systems > Heaters: electric, fan
Heaters & Heating Systems > Heating: warm air
Insulation > Insulation: acoustic
Insulation > Insulation: duct
Ventilation > Roof top ventilators: natural draught
Ventilation > Roof top ventilators: powered
Ventilation > Roof top ventilators: smoke extraction
Ventilation > Ventilation: chimneys and flues
Ventilation > Ventilation: fume cupboards
Ventilation > Ventilation: fume extraction
Ventilation > Ventilation: kitchen canopies: extraction
Ventilation > Ventilation: kitchen canopies: recirculation
Ventilation > Ventilation: local exhaust systems
Ventilation > Ventilation: toilet extraction
Vibration > Vibration: absorbent mountings
Controls > Controls: flow
Controls > Controls: temperature
Spare parts
Controls > Sensors
Controls > Thermostats
Duct heaters
Duct heaters > Duct heaters - electric
Duct heaters > Duct heaters - water
Fans > Commercial Kitchen ventilation

Westmid Fans

Zephyr House,
Mucklow Hill,
West Midlands

Telephone: 01215500315
Fax: 01215855185

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