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Three steps to improve your humidifier

There are three steps that will help you to save money as well as increase the reliability of your humidifier, according to Humidity Solutions.

The first is to recognise the impact of water quality. Minerals in mains water will cause your humidifier to scale up much the same way as your domestic kettle. If left unchecked it will reduce performance and significantly increase the likelihood of breakdowns, damage, poor reliability, leaving you with a sense of real dissatisfaction with the product. Minimising the negative impact of your water quality is critical to humidifier performance.

Secondly, you need to understand your water quality by knowing what type of water you have. There are various, inexpensive test that can be carried out to establish this. The type of water you have will determine the best method of dealing with it. This can be via regular maintenance, pre-filtration of the water before it reaches the humidifier or, a combination of the two.

Finally, you should seek expert advice. Humidity Solutions’ engineers have been advising humidifier users on water quality, humidifier maintenance and water pre-treatment for many years. Whether it be for steam humidifiers or cold-water humidifiers, our team of engineers have more than 150 years of combined knowledge and experience in the industry.

If you understand the impact of water quality and how to manage it, you’ll reduce your maintenance costs, reduce the likelihood of breakdown and enjoy reliable and effective humidity control.

13 January 2020


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